Which Test Won? Email marketing A/B split testing examples

Anne Holland of Which Test Won presents some surprising email split tests results in this classic video. But also warns about the pitfalls of email marketing testing. That led to increases in revenue, engagement, and ROI.

Surprising email test result examples in this video include:

  •  In a subject line test, the open rate winner, was the click through rate loser
  • A test with subject line and creative showed that a combination of discount and benefit orientated seemed to work best, but didn’t drive the most revenue.
  • Always measure through to the cart and sales, or you might be using the wrong “winner”
  • An overlay can get a way higher opt-in rate. A smaller overlay had 8.8% higher opt-in rate than a wider one.
  • The opt-in form without social proof has 122% higher opt-in rates.

It shows again that when testing email marketing, you cannot go with your gut.
here is the video.